Next Steps | LinkAble

At Next Steps, young people will encounter a supportive environment that responds to their individual needs.

Transitioning from adolescence to adulthood is an exciting and sometimes nerve-racking time, particularly for people with a learning disability and autistic people. Our Next Steps service guides young people through this journey. We tailor our activities and staffing to each individual, ensuring that a diverse range of experiences is available to all.

We're a team you can trust

Our highly-trained staff have an expert understanding of connecting with young people with additional needs. They will provide support and encouragement to help people feel confident in taking the next steps towards adulthood.

A fun way to practice life skills

'Preparing for Adulthood' is our newest offering for young people who need less support. It provides a fun and engaging opportunity to practise life skills. In these sessions, group members work together to earn badges by completing various activities and challenges focused on developing independence.

Next steps term time groups

An engaging programme of fun activities that support young people to make friends, try new things and practice life skills.  

What's on during term time?

  • Monday: Food and Friends Youth Group5:30 - 7:30 pm - Fun and activities followed by dinner.
  • Tuesday: ASD Tuesday Game Night, 6:30 - 8:30 pm - A night to play board games in good company (lots of other activities, too!). 
  • Friday: Synergy Dance, 6 - 7:30pm - Express yourself through movement and performance. 
  • Friday: Link Up Youth Group, 6 - 8 pm - Social activities for young people in Elmbridge.
  • Saturday: Saturday Club, 10:30 - 4:30 pm - A session for those who need more support (including 1:1) to enjoy engaging activities. 
A green and blue background with Preparing for Adulthood

Preparing for Adulthood offers an opportunity to earn badges by completing activities and challenges that develop independence and life skills. 

These sessions are aimed at those who need less support. 

What's on?

  • Saturdays: Link Up Saturday,10:30 - 4:30 pm - Activities to support learning new skills and practising life management. 
A green and blue background with Next Step holiday schemes written in white

A fun programme of activities to get stuck into during half-terms, Easter, summer holidays and Christmas.

Find out more

Further support

We can offer a bursary to a limited number of low-income families. Find out more.

LinkAble is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1119596 and company number 06056940 at The Link, 2 Board School Road, Woking, GU21 5HE. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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