LinkAble welcomes a new CEO | LinkAble

This is an exciting time for LinkAble as Sue comes with a wealth of experience. She will be joining the charity from 2nd October. 

Here's an intro from Sue so that you can start to get to know her. 

Hello all, I'm Sue, and I will be your new CEO at LinkAble.

I'm looking forward to meeting you over the coming weeks and months. Until then, here's a little about me. 

I live in Westerham with my husband and two teenagers, a rabbit, hamster and tree frog! Those who have met me may have picked up from my accent that I'm originally from Lancashire. I've lived in Westerham for nearly 20 years and enjoy all the local cafes and restaurants. I also enjoy regular trips to the coast as I'm at my happiest when near water.

My daughter has autism and ADHD, which was diagnosed during Covid. She surprised us this summer by doing better than expected in her GCSEs and has just started 6th form. I also have a son who has just gone to university, and I really miss him.  

I'm thrilled to have been appointed as CEO of LinkAble and look forward to leading the organisation into a successful future. I have worked for charities throughout my career, particularly for charities supporting children, young people and adults with learning disabilities and their parents and carers.

I worked for YMCA East Surrey for five years, developing their short breaks for disabled children, young people play and leisure schemes, and services for adults with disabilities or health conditions. I have good knowledge of Surrey providers and services, having worked in Business Development roles for The Grange, Halow and Active Prospects.
At Active Prospects, I set up a Supported Internship programme in partnership with East Surrey College and the Orpheus Centre in Godstone. This supported young people with learning disabilities leaving college to gain skills for independence and employment. It also set up social enterprises to offer work experience.

I am excited about joining LinkAble as it's a great organisation doing fantastic work for children, young people and adults with learning disabilities. I think there is potential to build on the current services and reach out to more people in Woking and neighbouring areas, increasing our impact and ensuring the organisation's future success.

I look forward to working with you to further develop services that build skills, friendships and more fulfilling lives.


LinkAble is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1119596 and company number 06056940 at The Link, 2 Board School Road, Woking, GU21 5HE. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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