Virtual festive run smashes original target | LinkAble

Earlier this month Kevin McAlister and his clients at Lift Your Wellbeing organised and took on a virtual festive 5km run to raise funds for Linkable.  

Lift Your Wellbeing supports the mental health of a employees through exercise and community. Despite the events of 2020, they have built an incredibly strong community with the wide variety of businesses they partner with. Prior to organising the event Kevin asked his clients to nominate charities that they could potentially support through the event. 

LinkAble was nominated by one of his clients and chosen as the charity to benefit. Kevin says, ‘We wanted to get together and support a charity that was close to the hearts of our clients. We were told about the great work LinkAble does with children and adults with learning disabilities and we thought it was the perfect fit’. 

Having never previously organised a fundraising event before Kevin was unsure of how it would go. With that in mind he set an original fundraising target of £300. The event went better than expected and raised an amazing £1,595.  

On exceeding the original target Kevin adds, ‘I'm absolutely delighted with the event, it was a real success. Raising nearly £1,600 is mind blowing! We had about 30 people participating in the virtual fun run so that was another big success and in the end was great fun for all who took part. Thank you to everyone who participated and donated.’ 

Rhys Parker Fundraising & Communications Manager says, ‘I would like to thank Kevin and all his clients for taking part in the run. They have absolutley smashed their original target and raised a significant amount of money for LinkAble to support children and adults with learning disabilities in Woking and Surrey Heath.’

To find out more about Lift Your Wellbeing click here.

LinkAble is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1119596 and company number 06056940 at The Link, 2 Board School Road, Woking, GU21 5HE. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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