LinkAble's very own Captain Tom takes to the tee | LinkAble

As lock down and social distancing restrictions eased LinkAble’s very own ‘Captain Tom’ took on a 24-hour golf marathon on the three courses at Hoebridge Golf Club to raise funds for LinkAble and Woking Age Concern.

Tom Wesolowski, Hoebridge Golf Club’s men’s captain for 2020/21 chose LinkAble as his charity of the year whilst the ladies’ section will be supporting Woking Age Concern. Funds raised from the challenge and from other activities during the year will be shared equally between the two charities.

Prior to teeing off on a damp and grey morning, but in high spirits Tom said, ‘Given how much I ache after just one round these days this is perhaps not my most sensible decision, but like every charity LinkAble and Woking Age Concern have been impacted by recent events and need our support. So, I'm more than happy to do my bit and put up with a few aches and pains.’

Rhys Parker, Fundraising and Communications Manager at LinkAble says, ‘We were delighted to be chosen as the men’s captain charity this year and excited to hear about all of their fundraising plans that were in place. Unfortunately, as soon as we got started everything had to be put on hold. We are therefore extremely grateful for Tom’s efforts in organising something so quickly post lock down and for Hoebridge Golf Club for supporting him in his efforts.’

Tom's challenge took 24hrs 20 minutes in total. He played a total of 126 holes and walked an incredible 28 miles! He did decline to answer how many balls he lost when asked, however everyone at LinkAble is grateful for his efforts and hope he enjoys a well earned rest.

If you would like to make a donation in support of Tom's efforts click here.

LinkAble is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1119596 and company number 06056940 at The Link, 2 Board School Road, Woking, GU21 5HE. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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